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Professional Diploma programme in Public Procurement - Powered by Charter for Public Procurement Studies

One day Non-Residential Workshop on New Procurement Policy of the World Bank and The Competition Act of India, 2012

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One day Non-Residential Workshop on New Procurement Policy of the World Bank
and The Competition Act of India, 2012

(In association with the World Bank, Competition Commission of India and Global Procurement Consultants Limited)


May 17, 2016
Venue: ASCI, Bella Vista Campus, Hyderabad.


At the end of the Workshop, the participant officials will be able appreciate the nuances of the New Procurement Policy of the World Bank in addition to the main features of the Competitive Law and competitive issues in Public Procurement in India.


This workshop primarily aims at increasing the awareness of the procurement and other key officials working on the World Bank funded projects under various Central Ministries, State Governments and Public Sector Undertakings in India with regard to nuances of the New Procurement Policy of the World Bank as applicable to the Bank funded projects and the salient features of the Competition Act of 2012 and the role of Competitive Commission of India.
The procurement policy framework which lasted more than a few decades has been overhauled in consultation with about 5000 stakeholders in close to 100 countries spread almost over three years. The goal of the reform was to move from a one-size-fits-all policy to a fit-for-purpose policy. The Board of Directors of the Bank approved a new Procurement Policy on July 21, 2015 that supports clients to achieve value for money with integrity in delivering sustainable development and the Framework goes into effect in phase-wise implementation from middle of 2016. The new Procurement Framework will allow the World Bank to better respond to the needs of client countries, while preserving robust procurement standards throughout Bank-supported projects.
The Competition Act, 2002 prohibits anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position by enterprises and regulates combinations (acquisition, acquiring of control and M&A), which causes or likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within India. The objectives of the Act are sought to be achieved through the Competition Commission of India (CCI), which has been established by the Central Government with effect from 14th October 2003. CCI’s goal is to create and sustain fair competition in the economy that will provide a ‘level playing field’ to the producers and to eliminate practices having adverse effect on competition, promote and sustain competition, protect the interests of consumers and ensure freedom of trade in India.

Rs. 3, 000/- plus Service Tax @14.5% (Or as amended by GoI from time to time) per participant. The fee will cover tuition, lunch, snacks and usage of other facilities. In case accommodation is required in campus, please contact the Programs Officer @ given below.
May 9, 2016, Contact Mrs. Mahalaxmi, Programs Officer
Dr. B. S. Chetty
Program Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer (Div)
Global Procurement Consultants Limited, Mumbai.
Email: chettybs@gmail.com

Other Information
For other information on the Workshop, please visit www.asci.org.in
Contact: poffice@asci.org.in or by phone +91-40-66533000, 66534247.

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