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Hall of Fame

I graduated from the Sherubtse college, Bhutan and went on to pursue a Post-Graduation in Financial Management in 2006 from the Royal Institute of Management in Thimphu, Bhutan. I’ve also completed an Advanced Diploma in Purchasing and Supply (CIPS Level 5) in 2011 (through IDA-World bank funding).

My career began in the Royal Government of Bhutan as an Assistant Accounts Officer for Tsirang District, supervising the budgeting, and financial Transactions. I also served as a Member of the Tender Committee, District Human Resource Committee, and handled all audit issues pertaining to the District apart from being on the Committee for Construction of the New Tsirang District fortress besides other responsibilities.

I’m currently working with the Public Procurement Policy Division, Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan as a Procurement officer. Herein my responsibilities include providing clarifications and interpretations of procurement rules and regulations to the procuring agencies, creating standard bidding documents for goods, works and consultancy services, conducting training for supplier and employee staff to create awareness and understanding of the procurement system, monitor the implementation of procurement rules and propose improvements and revisions to those rules based on feedback.

I have recently contributed to the development of rules of procedures for Independent Review body to operationalise the supplier review system (soon to be submitted for approval by MoF) apart from looking after the World Bank IDA & IDF Projects for procurement reforms and capacity development. Furthermore, I’ve worked closely with the World Bank on the review of points based system of evaluation of civil works bids introduced in Bhutan in 2011.

My motivation behind accessing the CPPP MOOC and gaining procurement skills has been to gain a wider understanding of and a specialisation in public procurement. I strongly believe that the profession of Procurement although emerging around the world, is soon going to become the envy of all other professions. Once it finds its much deserved position, it stands to be the most strategic and value creating of all professions; fulfilling not only the objective of the agency concerned, but all value chain partners. So I would encourage all of you to come and join this profession.







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