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Hall of Fame

I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Tribhuvan University in Nepal. I have a total of 12 years of experience in various multilateral, bilateral, and international humanitarian organizations.

While practical experience has taught me a lot of the intricacies of public procurement, I also got the opportunity to participate in various training programs on public procurement. For instance, I have undertaken Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management training from USAID Paani Program, IFRC, Oxfam GB Nepal, and Development Alternative Incorporation (DAI) Global LLC.

Extensive knowledge is paramount to exhibit competency in the field, followed by professional ethics and values. It is crucial to me, as a professional, to continually improve my knowledge and skills, and that is only possible by participating in relevant course studies/training programs. I found the structured course contents of CPPP, in Procurement iNET, to enhance my knowledge in public procurement.  CPPP provides the opportunity to learn while working. As a procurement specialist, I am very enthusiastic to learn more about standard tools, techniques, procurement policies, logistics, and supply chain management. That was the main reason I undertook the CPPP so passionately. I am honoured with my score (93.33 percent) in the overall assessment.

The objective of the CPPP is to cover the basics of Public Procurement, to enable the participants to get an overview of Public Procurement and understand the rationale behind Public Procurement decisions. The course contents flow smoothly from one screen to another. The course has perfectly fulfilled its objective. I strongly encourage all public procurement professionals to undertake the course. I appreciate the excellent initiative of the World Bank.

I am delighted that I have accomplished to conclude the CPPP with distinction. The CPPP training is highly inspiring, informative, and interactive. The World Bank and iNET have made a great effort to cover all dimensions of public procurement.  The online courses have a friendly interface design and explain clearly and concisely all the content. The CPPP is a must-do for public procurement specialists. 





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