Procurement iNET congratulates Devendra Kumar Choudhary, our entrant for Hall of Fame from India. He has completed CPPP with a fantastic 100% score! In this Hall of Fame Section, we are happy to share details of Devendra Kumar Choudhary ‘s professional journey and the motivation for completing the course, in his own words.
I have graduated in Bachelor of Engineering(BE) in Electronics and Communication from M.B.M Govt. Engineering College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India and Master of Engineering (ME) in Electronics and Communication Systems from Malviya Regional Engineering College, Jaipur , India.
I have joined Indian Railway in September 1999 as an officer of Indian Railways Stores Services (IRSS) . I have experience of more than 19 years and worked at different positions to handle Public Procurement and Material Management in Indian Railway since 1999. It involved procurement, contract management, receipt and inspection of goods and managing supply chain. I have Also worked as Vigilance Officer in Indian Railway for more than 3 years. Currently, I am working as Procurement Specialist in Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation (MRVC) ( A PSU of Govt of India) since November 2018.
Since I have joined Ministry of Railway, Govt. of India as IRSS in 1999, I am working on different post of Public Procurement and Material Management. While working as Vigilance Officer, I handled cases related to fraud, corruption and irregularities in Procurement. Recently I have attended training for procurement in World Bank funded project. While working as Procurement Specialist in MRVC for procurement of Works, Goods and Services funded by Multilateral Funding agencies, I felt a need to expand the horizon and to know best practices across the globe in the field of Procurement. CPPP is well designed course and recognised worldwide in the field of Public Procurement.
Public procurement must be transacted with other considerations in mind, besides the economy. These considerations include accountability, non-discrimination among potential suppliers and respect for international obligations. A basic tenet of public procurement is to provide ample and equal opportunities for participation to interested and qualified bidders through healthy and effective competition to get the best value in procurement at minimum cost in a regulated environment. As a Public Procurement professional, I shall try my best to follow these core procurement principles to get Value for Money with integrity and efficiency . I shall also guide other professionals of my organisation to follow these principles of Public Procurement.
Public procurement has significant consideration of integrity, accountability, national interest, effectiveness and sustainability. This requires that the procurement process is well understood by the procuring entities and professionals. It is an excellent initiative by World Bank to offer a well-designed, interactive and free online course on CPPP. Although I was aware of various procurement rules, procedures and policies being followed in my organisation yet CPPP gave me an opportunity to have an in-depth understanding of International standards procedures in public procurement from procurement planning stage to contract management and helped me to have better understanding of the core principles of public procurement.
Since I have joined Ministry of Railway, Govt. of India as IRSS in 1999, I am working on different post of Public Procurement and Material Management. While working as Vigilance Officer, I handled cases related to fraud, corruption and irregularities in Procurement. Recently I have attended training for procurement in World Bank funded project. While working as Procurement Specialist in MRVC for procurement of Works, Goods and Services funded by Multilateral Funding agencies, I felt a need to expand the horizon and to know best practices across the globe in the field of Procurement. CPPP is well designed course and recognised worldwide in the field of Public Procurement.