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EXIM Bank – FIEO – World Bank Seminar on Business Opportunities for Indian Industries and Exporters

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14 May 2015
Bangalore, India

Picture1As part of business outreach efforts, World Bank joined hands with EXIM Bank of India, and Federation of Indian Exporters Organizations (FIEO) for delivering a day-long seminar on 14 May 2015 at Bangalore, India on “Business Opportunities in World Bank funded Projects”. Representatives from the Competition Commission of India (CCI) were specially invited to address issues on competition regulations and public procurement. About 100 industry leaders and representatives from goods and equipment manufacturers and exporters, civil work contractors and leading consultant organizations participated in the seminar addressed by Mr. David Rasquinha and Mr. Pranesh B from EXIM Bank; Mr. T V Maruthi, FIEO; Mr. SukeshMisra, CCI; along with Mr. ShankerLal and Mr. A K Kalesh Kumar from the World Bank.

Picture2Established in 1982 under an Act of the Indian Parliament, to finance, facilitate, and promote India’s international trade and investment, EXIM Bank is the principal financial institution in India for coordinating the working of institutions engaged in financing exports and imports.
As part of their promotional efforts, EXIM Bank provides information and support services to Indian companies to help improve their prospects for securing business in multilateral agencies funded projects.
Picture3 These services include dissemination of business opportunities in funded projects, providing detailed information on projects of interest, information on Procurement Guidelines, Policies, Practices of Multilateral Agencies, assistance for Registration with Multilateral Agencies and advising Indian companies on preparation of expression of Interest, Capability Profile, etc.
Mr. David Rasquinha welcomed the guests and launched the seminar and Mr. Pranesh B. detailed various services extended to exporters and the efforts made by EXIM Bank together with multilateral development agencies like ADB and World Bank in promoting better participation of Indian firms in International Competitive bidding opportunities in various parts of the world.

Picture4The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) represents the Indian entrepreneur’s spirit of enterprise in the global market. Known popularly as “FIEO”, this apex body of Indian export promotion organizations was set up jointly by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India and private trade and industry in the year 1965. FIEO is thus a partner of the Government of India in promoting India’s exports. Mr. T V Maruthi, Member Governing Council FIEO explained the support extended by FIEO and narrated the challenges faced by Indian exporters given a volatile financial market environment. He had hoped that events like this one, which helps explain the process of international bidding conditions and offer a level playing field for Indian companies will help reduce the transaction costs.


Picture7Mr. Shanker Lal, the country focal point for Procurement from Governance Global Practice of the World Bank conducted sessions on Procurement Volumes and Opportunities in the World Bank’s global and Indian portfolio and on Basic Procurement principles followed in Bank financed projects.
Explaining the different arms of World Bank and its global presence, Mr. Lal demonstrated that Indian firms are winning substantial contracts globally placing them in the top 5 positions of countries winning contracts for goods, works and services. Through its focus on procurement principles of achieving economy, efficiency, transparency and fairness, Picture8 World Bank procurement offers immense opportunities for the business sector. Subsequently, Mr. A K Kalesh Kumar, Capacity Building coordinator for South Asia Procurement at the World Bank detailed various procurement methods followed by projects financed by World Bank.
Through an interactive session, the World Bank team answered queries on various key terms and conditions followed in procurement and explained International competitive methods, National competitive methods and shopping procedures followed for procurement of goods and works. For the audience interested in consulting opportunities, Mr. Kumar detailed the kind of services sought in Bank financed projects and various methods like QCBS, QBS, LCS, FBs, etc.

Picture9 In his session on competition policies and regulations and how these impact the public procurement spectrum in India, Mr.Sukesh Mishra, Director, Competition Commission of India reflected upon various case studies and invited the participating industries to be partners of CCI in promoting fair competition that leads to nation building.
Mr. Mishra answered queries of the participants on the process to be followed for involving CCI in various procurement related aspects.

Subsequent open house invited many queries from the audience about support available for participating in bidding opportunities and the roles that can be taken by World Bank, EXIM Bank and FIEO.
World Bank team also presented and shared details of various capacity building initiatives launched through www.procurementlearning.org including the MOOC Certificate Programs on Public Procurement and Contract Management and the blended e-learning Professional Diploma in Public procurement delivered through the partner institutions. The seminar ended with a vote of thanks from Exim Bank officials.

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