 Mr. M.S Sahoo of CCI addresses the gathering After a successful track record of setting up procurement observatories in many states of India, a national level observatory has been set up recently. This initiative has been implemented by CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC) with support from the World Bank. CIRC is a part of CUTS International, a 30-year young international non-governmental, non-profit research and advocacy group working out of Jaipur, Delhi, and Kolkata in India, and in Geneva, Hanoi, Lusaka, Nairobi and Accra. The World Bank, on the other hand, works across the globe for ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity.
/> The website of National Observatory (www.procurement-india.org) was launched during a workshop organized in Chennai on October 9, 2015. This workshop on improving Competition in Public Procurement was jointly organized by the Bank and the Competition Commission of India (CCI), and was attended by about 55 senior officials from the state governments, central government, and public sector undertakings (PSU) who actively participated in discussions.
/> The website offers analysis of public procurement policies and performance of various procuring entities. It also has features like a discussion board, latest news, analysis and FAQs. More features will be added on the website in due course of time.