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Professional Diploma programme in Public Procurement - Powered by Charter for Public Procurement Studies

PDPP gets its First credits

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13 August, 2015
New Delhi, India

The World’s first blended learning program in Public Procurement got its first batch of Graduates at the convocation ceremony for the All India Management Association and World Bank’s jointly certified Professional Diploma in Public Procurement program (PDPP)

13th August, 2015 marked a momentous day in the journey of Procurementlearning.org and the PDPP course. As the All India Management Association, one of the partners in the Charter of Public Procurement studies, Picture2 completed a year’s run of the PDPP course, all the successful graduates were felicitated at their 20th convocation ceremony, held at the India Habitat entre in New Delhi, India.
General V.P. Malik (Former Chief of Army staff), Raj Agarwal (Director, AIMA), Rajan Saxena (Chairman, Board of studies) and Rekha Sethi (Director General, AIMA) graced the dias to award the deserving graduates.

Picture1The 39 graduates of the World’s first Blended learning course in Procurement were glad to speak about their takeaways from the Program. The candidates are professionals from across the Public sector, Government enterprises, as well as the Public Sector and are placed at responsible positions in their respective fields and practices. They all spoke about significant applications of the skills they gathered while doing the course.

Abhishek Mendiratta, an Independent Procurement consultant exclaimed about how his motivation has increased because of the insights he has developed while doing the course. He has now been chosen by AIMA to become a subject matter expert on Procurement. Picture2 Amit Kumar, Senior Manager at Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP says that “PDPP has been a much focussed and well managed program during its entire tenure. The faculty has been well versed in its subjects and the books have been well defined.” Mr. Ajit Kumar Mishra, Addnl. General Manager at Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India says “finer points about the Procurement cycle and processes that are left unattended in our training at the Railways department have been addressed by this course. I feel that it will definitely help procurement professionals eliminate the common mistakes and sharpen their skills. It is a beautifully designed course addressing all the important issues with an equally efficient support team who were keen to impart the training and support practitioners.”

Chandan Kumar, Deputy Chief Materials manager, Indian Railways and the Gold medallist in the 2015 AIMA PDPP batch stated that “PDPP is a hallmark of Public Procurement Learning in India and internationally as well. Picture2The quality and output of teaching materials as well as the amount of planning that goes into procurement have been dealt with very well. I would really like to support everyone who works in the Public Procurement arena. The course components focussing on transparency, business ethics, and equality; qualities that have been enshrined in the Article 14 of the Constitution of India were explained and stressed upon appropriately in this course.”

While encouraging words of appreciation were many, there was also much valuable feedback that will be worked on to make the course highly relevant and useful for further batches.

We thank Mr. Raj Agarwal (Director, AIMA), Ms. Gurbandini Kaur (Assistant Professor, AIMA) and Mr. Kapil Verma for their encouraging association and support to pioneer this partnership for the PDPP course between Procurementlearning.org and All India Management Association (AIMA).

We congratulate all of them on their success with this endeavour and look forward to valuable publications or interaction on Procurement related subjects from them in the future.

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