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Procurement iNet Blog

Procurementlearning.org in Washington

Posted by Ananya Dasgupta on Thursday, October 1, 2015 4:49 pm

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Discussion in progressThe experience of Procurementlearning.org over the last one and a half years; its reach to over 20000 members from about 140 countries and possible future initiatives were discussed in a meeting attended by senior officers of the Governance Global Practice of the World Bank at its head quarters in Washington on 10 September 2015. The meeting, chaired by Mr. Mario Marcel, Senior Director and Head of the Governance Global Practice of World Bank was attended by senior governance, financial management, procurement and learning experts from different regional offices of the World Bank. Mr. Felipe Goya, Governance Practice Manager introduced the subject and Mr. A K Kalesh Kumar, Task Leader for Procurementlearning.org made a detailed presentation of the last 2 years journey and future plans.

Ms. Ellen Nedde, Chief of e-learning, International Monitory Fund (IMF) and Ms. Sheila Jagannathan, Lead Learning Specialist, LLIOL, World Bank shared their respective experience in this field and observed that the process of development following very in depth engagement with stakeholders for need identification, consultative process followed for developing the content and the various types of interactivity introduced into the learning programs by Procurement Learning are commendable. The meeting also appreciated that in a very short span of time, attracting about 20000 members to enroll for various programs is the strength of Procurement Learning and efforts shall be made to keep this Community of Practice engaged in discussions and developments on public procurement.

Mr. Kumar shared the plans for launching a global e-directory of procurement professionals, 3P Net(Public Procurement Professionals Network) e-Directory which is a unique online recognition program for procurement professionals which would act as a link between the professionals and their public/private sector clients.The plan also includes developing Mobile application for the Community of Practice for instant sharing of information and interactiveness. The meeting appreciated the efforts made towards professionalization of the procurement function and advised the team to proceed to develop versions in all major languages of the world for wider reach among the global procurement fraternity

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