I completed my graduation in Mining Engineering from ISM Dhanbad. Subsequently, I have spent about ten years in mine planning, production scheduling and asset management and fifteen years in the delivery of IT services to clients across industries in both private and public sector. Currently, I am a consultant in the field of e-Governance.
I have worked extensively on responding to various bids, analyzing bidding documents and preparing responses. This has given me a good appreciation of contract management and administration in the process.
I have seen some good initiatives with high potential of benefit to organizations being delayed and at times shelved. This is where I feel a good understanding of basic procurement principles and guidelines could have helped avoid delays and rework. Specific to the Government and public sector entities, reports of the CAG have also provided me an idea of the instances and extent of expenditures on public procurement where envisaged benefits could not be fully realized. It brings about the need to increase awareness about public procurement and related issues.
I firmly believe that the professionalization of public procurement is crucial for speedy and effective implementation of various developmental initiatives in infrastructure, education and skill building, health, and local government (municipal) work.