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MOOC in public procurement - certified by world bank
Highly interactive e-learning program in public procurement
e-Procurement Online Learning
Certificate Program in Public Procurement

The first ever, free procurement certificate delivered as Massive Open Online Course

The first ever, free procurement certificate delivered as Massive Open Online Course

Est. Duration: 19 hours

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برنامج شهادة في المشتريات العامة
الهدف من برنامج شهادة في المشتريات العامة هو لتغطية أساسيات المشتريات العامة. وهذا سيمكن المشاركين للحصول على لمحة عامة عن المشتريات العامة وفهم المنطق وراء قرارات المشتريات العامة.

Certificate Program in Public Procurement
The first ever, free procurement certificate delivered as Massive Open Online Course

Programme de certification en Passation des marchés publics
L’objectif de ce programme de certification en passation des marchés publics est de couvrir les principes de bases des marchés publics. Cela permettra aux participants d’avoir un aperçu des marchés publics et de comprendre les prises de décisions relatives aux marchés publics.

सार्वजनिक खरीद में सर्टिफिकेट प्रोग्राम
विश्व का सबसे तेज़ी से बढ़ता सार्वजनिक खरीद प्रमाणन कार्यक्रम अब हिंदी में भी उपलब्ध है

Programa de certificados em aquisições públicas
O objetivo do Programa de Certificados em Aquisições Públicas é abranger os princípios báiscos da Aquisição Pública. Isso irá permitir que os participantes obtenham uma visão geral da Aquisição Pública e compreendam os fundamentos na base das decisões de Aquisição Pública.

Программа Сертификат в области государственных закупок
Цель схем сертификации в области государственных закупок является покрытие основы государственных закупок.

Programa de Certificación de la Contratación Pública
Programa de Certificación de Contratación Pública (CPPP) ofrecido en formato Massive Open Course Online (MOOC)

Certificate Program in Contract Management

CPCM has been designed to inculcate in-depth knowledge and understanding of Contract Management.

Est. Duration: 18 hours

Enables Participants
  • To get an in-depth knowledge and understanding of Contract Management
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HP Power Development Program

This e-learning course consists of ten modules focusing on procurement and contract management, tailored for HP Power sector utilities professionals. It combines theory with practical issues faced in the procurement process. Completing the course will enhance learners' skills and contribute to building capacity in procurement functions.

Are you an employee of Himachal State Government?

Click to Enrol

Procurement and Contract Management

This e-learning course, with ten modules, covers procurement and contract management, blending theory with practical issues. Successful completion will equip learners with essential skills and contribute to building capacity in procurement professionals.





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